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"Teaching Healthy Skepticism Makes FoolProof Unique."

A dozen consumer groups and leading child advocacy experts all delivered that message at a news conference in Washington, hosted by the iconic Newseum.

Missed the Conference?

Have you missed the conference or are you looking for additional information? Watch a summary of the conference, read FoolProof's talking points, or download the press handout.


Go here to watch the entire conference and panel discussion.

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Consumer Groups Endorsing the Curriculums

About our Curriculums

Our curriculums were created as a free alternative or supplement to the financial literacy resources influenced by business interests.

Both of FoolProof's curriculums were developed by FoolProof's Walter Cronkite Project.

  • Our Consumer Life Skills Curriculum for middle schools. Its messaging is unique, and typical of all FoolProof messaging. Visit to see for yourself.
  • Our Consumer Life Skills Curriculum for high schools. Watch the teacher video here:
  • Students made 31 million page views of our curriculums during the 2023-24 school year. About 10,000 schools are using it.

The Experts, on Our Curriculums

  • A wonderful tool for helping kids successfully navigate life in a heavily commercialized culture.

    Susan Linn
    Susan Linn
    E.D., research associate at Boston Children’s Hospital, and lecturer on psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
  • FoolProof curriculums emphasize the kind of critical thinking that best prepares students for participation in the marketplace.

    Steve Brobeck
    Steve Brobeck
    Executive director, Consumer Federation of America.
  • My grandfather would be incredibly proud to see what FoolProof has become. Its curriculum is a critical educational tool that should be available to every student.

    Walter Cronkite IV
    Walter Cronkite IV
    CBS News, Washington, D.C.
  • We'd love to see FoolProof in every school!

    Josh Golin
    Josh Golin
    Executive director, Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood
  • FoolProof's curriculums teach lessons that will last a lifetime.

    Lauren Willis
    Lauren Willis
    Author, The Financial Education Fallacy and Against Financial Literacy Education.
  • The FoolProof curriculums arm students with the money lessons they'll need to be financially successful.

    Michelle Singletary
    Michelle Singletary
    Syndicated columnist, The Washington Post.
  • FoolProof is an independent resource that gives kids the information they need to avoid getting ripped off by financial predators.

    Robert Weissman
    Robert Weissman
    President, Public Citizen.
  • I strongly encourage teachers and parents to give FoolProof's curriculums a look and decide if they think they are right for the children in their lives.

    Tim Kasser
    Tim Kasser
    Author, Psychology & Consumer Culture and The High Price of Materialism
  • FoolProof's curriculums work because they tell kids the truth about marketing and money.

    Ira Rheingold
    Ira Rheingold
    Executive director, National Association of Consumer Advocates.
  • FoolProof allows students to walk out of class with unique ready-to-use consumer self-defense skills, while giving teachers the peace of mind that proper financial literacy content has been dutifully covered.

    Aaron Standish
    Aaron Standish
    Curriculum director, Palm Beach County School District.
  • FoolProof is an integral piece of the life skills toolkit we are building with our students.

    Sarah Coppola
    Sarah Coppola
    Teacher, Ariel Community Academy, Chicago.
  • FoolProof stresses the importance of healthy skepticism, something much needed for dealing with all the information bombarding us.

    Roberta Baskin
    Roberta Baskin
    Director, FoolProof Foundation.
  • FoolProof is the only financial literacy curriculum based on teaching critical thinking skills. It has rigor and relevance and holds students' attention.

    Mike Sheffer
    Mike Sheffer
    Director of education, FoolProof Foundation.