Partners & Endorsers
Unique Endorsements

FoolProof is the only financial literacy curriculum in the United States endorsed by Public Citizen, the Consumer Federation of America, the National Association of Consumer Advocates, Fairplay and the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
These five major consumer groups endorsed Foolproof's middle and high school curriculums. Partially at a news conference in Washington, hosted by the iconic Newseum.
Our independent and ethical approach to financial literacy has also been endorsed by leading financial literacy critics, including Professor Lauren Willis, author of Against Financial Education Literacy Teaching and The Financial Education Fallacy.
Unique Partnerships
- FoolProof has partnered with Fairplay to create the first scalable financial literacy resources aimed at very young children and their parents. Fairplay is the leading authority on the impact of commercialism on children. Learn more about Fairplay and our partnership in our K-8 Project.
-, with over 15,000 bankruptcy judges and their advocates, is a FoolProof Partner. Care4YourFuture presents financial literacy programs in thousands of schools and colleges across America.
- NYWise, a major national program promoting financial literacy in schools, has endorsed FoolProof and promotes FoolProof to its members.
- USPIRG has partnered with FoolProof to offer our programs to college students. Visit the website.
- FoolProof has partnered with the Consumer Military Justice Project to offer a beta version of our programs for military personnel and their families. Go to the beta version of the website.